Thursday, April 3, 2014

What is the propose of school?

I gonna try to do my best to the school win more trophies.,get trophies,The purpose of school is work hard,good grades but if you don't have good grades the coach not gonna let you play till you put your grades up, so think about it before you being foaling around on the class. if you want to be someone on the future start focusing in school, do your best to your teachers be proud of you, don't do like me sometimes i'm lazy and don't do the homework but i still having good grades because i pay attention on the class.


  1. nice job just add more to it like write more about it

  2. Yeah Brendon I am strongly agree with you.We need to hard work to get a good grades
    No one get a good grades with out working hard! If you want good grades it is simple just work in every class,participate,do homework,that's all!

  3. Great Brendon, purpose of school is not only study but also to build your skills.

  4. you need to do things that you are good in and you can get alots of trophys. you need to do good in school because with out youre good grades you cant play for youre school.keep doing good and you will do good things in youre life.
